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Study God’s word, live an abundant life and serve God.-3.png


Each student is admitted into one or more of the departments of the Jubilee Bible College. Those who want to study at the college can also indicate which of the following departments they want to join.

Christian Maturity Department




This department offers courses to believers to become mature. This is due to the fact that many believers are not matured yet. However, God desires every believer to be mature like Jesus Christ, in character, service, and in union with Him. Register today!

Ministers Department

This department offers credit modules to believers and those who want to become ministers of the gospels in any of the fivefold ministries or: pastors, teachers, prophets, evangelists, and apostles (Eph. 4:11); or church offices: deacon(ness), elder, bishop….

Seekers and non-believers Department

Many people, especially those who are not believers or those who are not strong in their Christian faith have questions about life, God, the Bible, and so on. This department guides people to explore answers to their own questions in life. The questions can be philosophical, religious, spiritual, marital, financial etc.  Some of these questions are: what it means to be successful in life, the question of pain and suffering, riches or poverty, God and the universe, religion and spirituality, marriage and family life.  We recommend this department to people who are searching for answers and are on a spiritual journey.

Young people Department

This department offers support and programmes for young people on life skills, faith in God, worldviews, relationships, career paths, healthy living, money matters, social media, solving problems, young people and ministry, young people and destiny.

Adult Department

This department offers teachings and support programs to adults on how to bring all that they have worked for together and enjoy the rest of their lives until God calls them home.

Help or Counselling Department 

If you like to help people, or if people come to you for advice or help, then this counselling course is for you. The department offers training on issues such as:  faith in God, relationships, spiritual problems, health, finance, marriage, depression, bereavement etc.

Children Department

This department offers support and programs to train children in faith in God, good character, manners, healthy living, house chores, playing with friends, online safety, school homework, and children Christian education in general.  

Church Workers Department

Every believer is saved to serve God. This department trains believers to serve God using the gifts they have received. A core biblical text is the book of Nehemiah, and the core focus is the Great Commission in a local church context. Church workers who want to go into ministry should join the Ministers department.

Languages Department

At Jubilee Bible College, the main language of instruction is English. The Great Commission commands believers to go to all nations to share the gospel. Therefore, to prepare our students for foreign missions, every student will be encouraged to learn one regional or an International language.

Some of the regional languages are Twi, Swahili, Ewe, Hindi, Punjabi, Hausa, Hebrew, Arab, (South African languages). Some of the international languages are English Swahili, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Chinese, Japanese.

Support services department

We offer diverse support to people. One-on-one mentoring, financial support for people facing hardships, food bank, training services for leaders, schools, agencies, entrepreneurs, churches, businesses.

Research department

This department focuses on research in missions, theology, religion, spirituality, Biblical studies.

Mission department 

The primary task of the mission department is to recruit, train, and send people from different people groups and nations.

Staff Department

Our support and teaching staff are drawn from around the world. Apply to join our staff today by sending us an email with your CV.

Study God’s word, live an abundant life and serve God.-3.png

Courses and Awards

JBC is here to help you deepen your biblical understanding and achieve the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ. The college offers both certificated and non-certificated awards.


These courses are designed for those wanting to deepen their biblical knowledge and apply God’s word for daily living. 


  • Courses for people who help others

  • Preachers & teachers of the gospel

  • Courses to grow strong in faith

  • Courses for non-believers

  • Courses for families & couples

  • Ordination & licencing


These courses are designed for those wanting to become ministers of the Gospel and Christian Counsellors.


Upon completing a prescribed number of modules, the student shall be awarded  the approriate award base on their chosen route of study.


  • Certificate in Christian Ministry

  • Diploma in Christian Ministry

  • Ordination and Licensing

  • Certificate in Christian Counselling

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